APN6: Application-aware IPv6 Networking @ IEEE INFOCOM 2020 Demo, Workshops, 5G services, IFIT, APN
APN6: Application-aware IPv6 Networking @ IEEE INFOCOM 2020 Demo
This Demo showcased the Application-aware IPv6 Networking (APN6) framework, which takes advantage of the programmable space in the IPv6/SRv6 (Segment Routing on the IPv6 data plane) encapsulations to convey application characteristics information into the network and make the network aware of applications in order to guarantee their Service Level Agreement (SLA). APN6 is able to resolve the drawbacks and challenges of the traditional application awareness mechanisms in the network. By utilizing the real-time network performance monitoring and measurement enabled by Intelligent Flow Information Telemetry (iFIT) and further enhancing it to make it application-aware, we showed that the VIP application’s flow can be automatically adjusted away from the path with degrading performance to the one that has good quality. Furthermore, the flexible application-aware SFC stitching application-aware Value Added Service (VAS) together with the network nodes/routers is also demonstrated.
Authors: Shuping Peng, Jianwei Mao, Ruizhao Hu, Zhenbin Li
Organization: Datacom Research Department, Huawei Technologies, Beijing, China
1. APN6 Paper – https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9162934
2. APN6 Community – https://github.com/APN-Community
3. IPv6+ Community – https://www.ipv6plus.net/
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