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Why might you be interested in getting Snal Linux? You shouldn't think about 1.31

In This Video We Are Looking At Snal Linux 1.31, released on February 1, 2024, is an update based on Arch Linux with packages from the Arch User Repository, supporting only the x86_64 architecture. The release includes Linux kernel 6.7.2 and Firefox 122.

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Snal Linux 1.31 comes with Linux kernel 6.7.2 and Firefox 122.

alsa-lib 1.2.10-2
alsa-plugins 1:
alsa-utils 1.2.10-1
amd-ucode 20240115.9b6d0b08-2
arandr 0.1.11-2
arch-install-scripts 28-1
archinstall 2.7.1-1
aria2 1.37.0-1
arpwatch 3.5-1
b43-fwcutter 019-4
base 3-2
base-devel 1-1
bash 5.2.026-2
bash-completion 2.11-3
bat 0.24.0-1
bc 1.07.1-4
bcachefs-tools 3:1.4.1-2
bind 9.18.21-1
bmon 4.0-4
bolt 0.9.6-2
bottom 0.9.6-1
brltty 6.6-4
btrfs-progs 6.7-1
catdoc 0.95-5
cdrtools 3.02a09-5
chrony 4.5-1
clonezilla 3.35.2-5
cloud-init 23.4.2-1
clusterssh 4.16-1
cmus 2.10.0-4
coreutils 9.4-3
cryptsetup 2.7.0-1
curl 8.6.0-1
darkhttpd 1.15-1
ddrescue 1.28-1
dhclient 4.4.3.P1-2
dhcpcd 10.0.6-1
dialog 1:1.3_20240101-1
diffutils 3.10-1
dillo 3.0.5-12
discount 3.0.0.a-1
dmenu 5.2-1
dmidecode 3.5-1
dmraid 1.0.0.rc16.3-14
dnsmasq 2.89-1
docker 1:24.0.7-1
docker-compose 2.24.5-1
dos2unix 7.5.2-1
dosbox 0.74.3-2
dosfstools 4.2-3
dust 0.9.0-1
e2fsprogs 1.47.0-1
edk2-shell 202311-1
efibootmgr 18-2
elinks 0.17.0-1
ethtool 1:6.5-1
exfatprogs 1.2.2-1
f2fs-tools 1.16.0-2
fatresize 1.1.0-1
feh 3.10.2-1
file 5.45-1
findutils 4.9.0-3
firefox 122.0-1
foot-terminfo 1.16.2-2
fping 5.1-2
freerdp 2:2.11.4-1
fsarchiver 0.8.7-1
gcc 13.2.1-4
git 2.43.0-1
glibc 2.38-8
gnu-netcat 0.7.1-9
gnupg 2.4.4-1
gpart 0.3-4
gparted 1.5.0-1
gpm 1.20.7.r38.ge82d1a6-5
gptfdisk 1.0.9-2
grep 3.11-1
grml-zsh-config 0.19.6-1
grub 2:2.12-1
gzip 1.13-2
haveged 1.9.18-1
hdparm 9.65-1
hping 3.0.0-5
htop 3.3.0-1
hyperv 6.7-1
i3lock 2.14.1-1
i3status 2.14-1
id3v2 0.1.12-6
iftop 1.0pre4-5
inetutils 2.5-1
intel-ucode 20231114-2
ipcalc 0.51-1
iperf 2.1.9-1
iperf3 3.16-1
iptables 1:1.8.10-1
iptraf-ng 1.2.1-1
iputils 20240117-1
irssi 1.4.5-1
iw 6.7-1
iwd 2.13-4
jfsutils 1.1.15-8
less 1:643-1
lftp 4.9.2-2
libfido2 1.14.0-1
libusb-compat 0.1.8-1
links 2.29-1
linux 6.7.2.arch1-2
linux-atm 2.5.2-8
linux-firmware 20240115.9b6d0b08-2
linux-firmware-marvell 20240115.9b6d0b08-2
livecd-sounds 1.0-2
lsof 4.99.0-1
lsscsi 0.32-1
lvm2 2.03.23-1
lxterminal 0.4.0-1
lynis 3.0.9-1
lynx 2.8.9-7
make 4.4.1-2
man-db 2.12.0-1
man-pages 6.05.01-2
mc 4.8.31-1
mdadm 4.2-2
micro 2.0.13-1
midori 9.0-6
mkinitcpio 37.3-1
mkinitcpio-archiso 69-1
mkinitcpio-nfs-utils 0.3-8
modemmanager 1.22.0-1
moreutils 0.68-1
mosh 1.4.0-6
mousepad 0.6.1-3
mpd 0.23.15-1
mpg123 1.32.4-1
mpv 1:0.37.0-2
mtools 1:4.0.43-1
mtr 0.95-4
mupdf 1.23.9-4
nano 7.2-1
nbd 3.25-1
ncdu 2.3-1
ndisc6 1.0.8-1
neovim 0.9.5-2
nethogs 0.8.7-1
networkmanager 1.44.2-3
nfs-utils 2.6.4-1
ngrep 1.47-4
nilfs-utils 2.2.9-2
nmap 7.94-2
nnn 4.9-1
ntfs-3g 2022.10.3-1
ntp 4.2.8.p17-1
nvme-cli 2.7.1-1
open-iscsi 2.1.9-2
open-vm-tools 6:12.3.5-1
openconnect 1:9.12-1
openpgp-card-tools 0.9.5-1
openssh 9.6p1-1
openvpn 2.6.8-1
p0f 3.09b-3
p7zip 1:17.05-2
partclone 0.3.27-1
parted 3.6-1
partimage 0.6.9-14
pcmanfm 1.3.2-1
pcsclite 2.0.1-1
perl-math-round 0.07-5
pkgfile 21-2
ppp 2.5.0-3
pptpclient 1.10.0-3
pqiv 2.12-6
procs 0.14.4-1
pv 1.8.5-1
qemu-guest-agent 8.2.0-3
qutebrowser 3.1.0-1
ranger 1.9.3-9
rdesktop 1.9.0-2
reflector 2023-1
reiserfsprogs 3.6.27-4
remmina 1:1.4.33-3
rmlint 2.10.2-1

#snallinux #archlinux #linux #linuxkernel #linuxdistro @9to5Linux

Todays Video – Snal Linux 1.31!

Views : 187

Source by 9to5Linux


Fondateur de summarynetworks, passionné des nouvelles technologies et des métiers de Réseautique , Master en réseaux et système de télécommunications. ,j’ai affaire à Pascal, Delphi, Java, MATLAB, php …Connaissance du protocole TCP / IP, des applications Ethernet, des WLAN …Planification, installation et dépannage de problèmes de réseau informatique……Installez, configurez et dépannez les périphériques Cisco IOS. Surveillez les performances du réseau et isolez les défaillances du réseau. VLANs, protocoles de routage (RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF.)…..Manipuler des systèmes embarqués (matériel et logiciel ex: Beaglebone Black)…Linux (Ubuntu, kali, serveur Mandriva Fedora, …). Microsoft (Windows, Windows Server 2003). ……Paquet tracer, GNS3, VMware Workstation, Virtual Box, Filezilla (client / serveur), EasyPhp, serveur Wamp,Le système de gestion WORDPRESS………Installation des caméras de surveillance ( technologie hikvision DVR………..). ,

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