We Found Apple’s Secret iPhone 14 Redesign – iPhone 14 Teardown
We discovered a big secret sealed inside Apple’s iPhone 14, and our Teardown reveals exactly what it is. Yes, the model that reviewers dismissed as boring—an iPhone 13S, basically—actually has the most radical upgrade of any of Apple’s new phones. It turns out that Apple has totally redesigned the phone from the ground up, and that redesign may make this its most repairable and sustainable phone in years. So is this the iPhone that’s worth buying after all? Let’s find out.
Thanks to Creative Electron as always for their amazing X-Rays
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00:00 Introduction
00:35 X Rays of the iPhone 14 thanks to Creative Electron
00:47 Opening the iPhone 14
01:02 Removing the iPhone 14 Display
01:20 Removing the iPhone 14’s Back Glass
02:53 Removing the iPhone 14’s Taptic Engine
03:00 Removing the iPhone 14’s Battery
03:05 Removing the iPhone 14’s Front Camera System
03:17 Removing the iPhone 14’s Logic Board
03:34 The iPhone 14 Design Changes
04:28 The iPone 14’s New Antenna Design
05:04 The Bad News About the iPhone 14
05:44 The iPhone 14 Repairability Score
#iPhone14, #iPhone14Teardown, #ifixitteardown
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Views : 416349
iphone 14