
Uncovering a #Dark #Secret #Cybersecurity The Lucrative World of #Code #Backdoors #productsec

Check Out: https://phoenix.security/podcast/cscp-s4ep04-christopher-russell-veteran-resiliency-mesh-security-and-blockchain/

Had a great conversation with Christopher Russell on cybersecurity, veteran in cyber, the most resilient community, cyber mesh and more

This piece of brutal honesty goes very well with the recent SEC discussion on CISO transparency
Link to the podcast in the comment

Christopher Russell is the CISO at tZERO Group, a Mesh Security advisor, and a NightDragon Advisor. He is currently getting a PhD in Cybersecurity with a focus on Blockchain Security at DSU. His military intel background helps him keep cool under even the most stressful work situations. In this episodes, Francesco and Chris discuss identity and security in relation to blockchain and digital currency. With decades of experience, Chris has an acute sense of risk and threat.

0:00 Introduction
1:20 Chris’ background in military
7:40 Military VS cooperate mentality
10:08 Risk management
15:05 MFA and identity
21:00 Zero day
22:00 Social engineering and ransomeware
26:50 Mesh Security
28:48 Identity in blockchain and digital currency
31:50 Public wallets
34:00 Positive message
35:48 Connect with Chris
38:28 Outro

#cyebr #podcast #veteran #resiliancy #ciso #business

Views : 1694
cyber security

Source by Phoenix Security


Fondateur de summarynetworks, passionné des nouvelles technologies et des métiers de Réseautique , Master en réseaux et système de télécommunications. ,j’ai affaire à Pascal, Delphi, Java, MATLAB, php …Connaissance du protocole TCP / IP, des applications Ethernet, des WLAN …Planification, installation et dépannage de problèmes de réseau informatique……Installez, configurez et dépannez les périphériques Cisco IOS. Surveillez les performances du réseau et isolez les défaillances du réseau. VLANs, protocoles de routage (RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF.)…..Manipuler des systèmes embarqués (matériel et logiciel ex: Beaglebone Black)…Linux (Ubuntu, kali, serveur Mandriva Fedora, …). Microsoft (Windows, Windows Server 2003). ……Paquet tracer, GNS3, VMware Workstation, Virtual Box, Filezilla (client / serveur), EasyPhp, serveur Wamp,Le système de gestion WORDPRESS………Installation des caméras de surveillance ( technologie hikvision DVR………..). ,

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