Tutorial: Streaming App with FireMonkey (Delphi DX11.2 Alexandria) on Windows 10
DISCLAIMER: This video is boring to the average YouTube viewer.
Paramount+ is new to us. Yes and what about the others like Netflix, Apple TV+, Prime Video and Disney+? How are you supposed to see that? We have created a prototype that allows us to use these sources. With EdgeView2 we need to work – EdgeIfAvailable – please set. On the VMware Fusion 12 on Intel iMac 27 5K everything went very smoothly for Windows 10, as you can see. Of course you have to enter your own access data for each source, we have hidden ours.
Tutorial: Streaming-App mit FireMonkey (Delphi DX11.2 Alexandria) unter Windows 10
Paramount+ ist neu für uns. Ja und was ist mit den anderen wie Netflix, Apple TV+, Prime Video und Disney+? Wie soll man das sehen? Wir haben einen Prototyp erstellt, der es uns ermöglicht, diese Quellen zu nutzen. Mit EdgeView2 müssen wir arbeiten – EdgeIfAvailable – bitte einstellen. Auf der VMware Fusion 12 auf Intel iMac 27 5K lief für Windows 10 alles sehr reibungslos, wie man sieht. Natürlich müssen Sie für jede Quelle Ihre eigenen Zugangsdaten eingeben, unsere haben wir ausgeblendet.
0:00 Overview
2:20 Start Delphi and go
3:24 We adapt caption – streaming it
3:36 We build the app with ToolBar and ComboBox
4:02 The ComboBox receives the selection data
4:35 First launch of the app
4:57 The ToolBar should be hideable with a double click
11:23 The combo box is connected to the web browser
12:58 The web browser should not be IE
13:09 The app must be « StayOnTop ».
13:33 We get EdgeView2 from the GetIt package manager
14:10 We need the WebView2Loader.dll for our app
14:40 Successful start
15:01 Accept all other sources for the ComboBox
15:45 A StyleBook must be on the app – Transparent.Style
16:59 We test the finished app for streaming
18:10 We test the app on the iMac 5K
19:40 Checking the app with registration at the individual sources
30:42 Just take WebView2Loader.dll away, what happens?
31:17 WebView2Loader.dll back and everything works…
44:33 The Streaming it app is started several times, what’s up
#FireMonkey #Delphi
Views : 1125
windows 10
Source by Quark Cube