Tutorial on 6LoWPAN IPv6 and UDP Headers Compression | RFC 6282 | 6LoWPAN Tutorial | IoT Protocols
In this IPv6 and 6LoWPAN Webinar, first an overview on IPv6 Header Format and then a detailed presentation of the 6LoWPAN Adaptation layer is given.
More specifically, among the defined 6LoWPAN mechanisms, the IPv6 and UDP Header Compression Operations are thoroughly described.
Finally, two examples of the IPv6 Header Compression operation are given:
a. Example 1: IPv6 Link-local Multicast Address
b. Example 2: IPv6 Global Unicast Address
This talk is part of the IPv6 Webinar Series (i.e., IoT Webinar) that is organised by India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc) and Industry Network Technology Council (INTC): https://www.iiesoc.in/ipv6
If you have comments and/or question, please feel free to comment below, and we will be happy to reply them.
This video is part of a much longer series of Tutorial Videos on 6LoWPAN:
To learn more about Communications and Networks (COMNET) protocols, subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/gzpapadopoulos
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