
The "So You Want to Be a Full Stack Network Engineer" Short Take

In this HUT8 Short Take (4 min 30 sec) I answer the question that I am starting to receive from learners more and more in the networking world: How do I get started with network programmability to become a full stack network engineer? Since my blog post 3 years ago, a lot has changed! In this HUT8 ‘Short Take’ we take a look at an amazing FREE Cisco DevNet resource created by Hank Preston that will get you up and running and headed in the right direction in no time! The link to Hank’s series is below along with a number of other FREE resources I mentioned in the video!

All the best to you on your journey down the full stack network engineer’s highway!

*Also, I think I said « Jessica » McKellar instead of Sara…sorry about that, Sara!* 🙂

Hank Preston – Start Your Network Programmability Journey: https://developer.cisco.com/video/net-prog-basics/

Nick Parlante – Google Sessions: https://youtu.be/tKTZoB2Vjuk

Sarah McKellar – Intro to Python Session PyCon 2014: https://youtu.be/MirG-vJOg04

Sara McKellar – Intro to Python Session: https://youtu.be/rkx5_MRAV3A

Kirk Byers – Free Python Training – Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user31890934

Nick Russo – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-uG1jdkoZg5PzgHGhb7_uA

Views : 2311
network engineer

Source by Travis Bonfigli


Fondateur de summarynetworks, passionné des nouvelles technologies et des métiers de Réseautique , Master en réseaux et système de télécommunications. ,j’ai affaire à Pascal, Delphi, Java, MATLAB, php …Connaissance du protocole TCP / IP, des applications Ethernet, des WLAN …Planification, installation et dépannage de problèmes de réseau informatique……Installez, configurez et dépannez les périphériques Cisco IOS. Surveillez les performances du réseau et isolez les défaillances du réseau. VLANs, protocoles de routage (RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF.)…..Manipuler des systèmes embarqués (matériel et logiciel ex: Beaglebone Black)…Linux (Ubuntu, kali, serveur Mandriva Fedora, …). Microsoft (Windows, Windows Server 2003). ……Paquet tracer, GNS3, VMware Workstation, Virtual Box, Filezilla (client / serveur), EasyPhp, serveur Wamp,Le système de gestion WORDPRESS………Installation des caméras de surveillance ( technologie hikvision DVR………..). ,

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