
Tape Measure Yagi Beam Antenna – Ham Radio Q&A

The 2 Meter band tape measure beam antenna is a 3 element Yagi with about 7.2 db of forward gain. This lightweight antenna is perfect to use for fox hunts or as a portable directional antenna for public service events.


Parts List
1 25 foot 1 inch wide steel tape measure
1 10 foot piece of 3/4 inch Schedule 40 PVC Tube
2 3/4 inch PVC Cross connectors
2 3/4 inch PVC T connector
6 3/4 to 1 1/2 inch stainless Hose Clamps
1 5 inch piece of 14 ga wire
1 length of RG-58 cable, approx 6 foot
Solder and Flux
Electrical Tape

Soldering Iron
Tin Snips
Wire Cutter
Screw driver or nut driver
PVC cutter or fine tooth saw
Sand paper or Dremel tool with sanding disk
Ruler or tape measure

Based on the design by WB2HOL: http://theleggios.net/wb2hol/projects/rdf/tape_bm.htm

Support Ham Radio Q&A by shopping at Amazon: http://amzn.to/2kO6LH7

Read my blog: http://www.jpole-antenna.com

Music by license:

Funky Chunk Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Views : 133035

Source by KB9VBR Antennas


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