Smart Irrigation System using Arduino and SIM800L v2 GSM Module
This Smart Irrigation System that I made is a pretty cool project and its very good for practicing programming with the SIM800L v2 GSM Module.Its definitely a project which has good scoop in the future and can be improved much further.I hope you all like it!
My component list:
-Arduino Uno R3
-SIM800L v2 GSM Module
-Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor
– DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
-ST7789 LCD Display
-3-6V Mini Water Pump
-Passive Buzzer
-Water Level Sensor
-10K Potentiometer
-0.1 uF Electrolytic Capacitors X2
-470 uF Electrolytic Capacitor
-Jumper Cables
-Terminal Black
Schematic and source code coming soon.
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