
She left college with her Bachelors, CCNA, and CCNP all thanks to Cisco Network Academy – Ep 85

This week we interviewed Heather, aka BOFHgirl in our Discord. Heather has been working in Network Engineering/IT for over 20 years. She graduated from college with her degree, her CCNA, and her CCNP thanks to Cisco’s Networking Academy. She currently works as a Senior Network Engineer for Wayfair. She shares with us her enthusiasm for Network Engineer and shares her advice for a successful lifelong career in IT, as well as some advice for aspiring women in tech and network engineering.

More from Heather:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bofhgirl
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bofhgirl/

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Views : 1504
network engineer

Source by The Art of Network Engineering


Fondateur de summarynetworks, passionné des nouvelles technologies et des métiers de Réseautique , Master en réseaux et système de télécommunications. ,j’ai affaire à Pascal, Delphi, Java, MATLAB, php …Connaissance du protocole TCP / IP, des applications Ethernet, des WLAN …Planification, installation et dépannage de problèmes de réseau informatique……Installez, configurez et dépannez les périphériques Cisco IOS. Surveillez les performances du réseau et isolez les défaillances du réseau. VLANs, protocoles de routage (RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF.)…..Manipuler des systèmes embarqués (matériel et logiciel ex: Beaglebone Black)…Linux (Ubuntu, kali, serveur Mandriva Fedora, …). Microsoft (Windows, Windows Server 2003). ……Paquet tracer, GNS3, VMware Workstation, Virtual Box, Filezilla (client / serveur), EasyPhp, serveur Wamp,Le système de gestion WORDPRESS………Installation des caméras de surveillance ( technologie hikvision DVR………..). ,

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