
Preinstalled malware on an Android TV box discovered | Cybersecurity news

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At least one person has found malware on their Android TV box. What kind of Android TV box malware is it? How can you remove the pre-installed malware? Check out the full video for more information!

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00:00 Intro
00:23 Malware discovery
00:41 CopyCat malware
01:05 Preinstalled malware
01:22 Security tips

Are you tired of boring old TVs that work properly? Would you like to be a little more adventurous with your cybersecurity? Introducing a brand-new TV box feature! Malware! It comes pre-installed at no extra cost! Order now and get it for just $39.99!

Yeah… This is the “feature” that one tech-savvy customer discovered when he bought the T95 Android TV box on Amazon. Daniel Milisic, an infrastructure and security systems consultant, first posted about his discovery on Reddit and GitHub to warn users about the potential threat.
He also created a script and guide to help users remove the malware if they get it too.

Here are the links to the scripts:
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/101k0eg/t95_android_tv_allwinner_h616_includes_malware/
Github: https://github.com/DesktopECHO/T95-H616-Malware

According to Milisic, this malware resembles the CopyCat adware that affected over 14 million Android devices about five years ago.

CopyCat imitated popular apps, and once downloaded, collected data about the infected device and installed rootkits to basically cut off its security system.

This isn’t the first time a hardware device came pre-installed with malware. In 2020, the cybersecurity researchers at MalwareBytes discovered pre-installed malware on Android phones that were provided by the Lifeline Assistance program. This is a long-running government program that provides discounted phone services to low-income households in the US.

So, what should you do about it? Well, to minimize the risk of buying a malware-infected device, do some research about the device and the seller. And make sure you choose reputable, verified sellers.

If you do suspect your Android TV box is acting a little weird, check out the links to the guides above ⬆️

Stay safe everyone.


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#NordVPN #AndroidTVbox #AndroidTVboxMalware

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Source by NordVPN


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