News App in Android Studio using Kotlin | Part 3 – Setup ROOM Database
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In this video, we will create a news app using mvvm, coroutines, room database, navigation component and retrofit in android studio kotlin (Part 3: Setup ROOM Database)
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News API:
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1. MVVM:
2. ROOM:
3. Navigation Component:
4. Coroutines:
5. Retrofit:
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00:00 – Intro
00:10 – Overview
00:52 – Article (Entity)
03:02 – Article DAO
06:54 – Converters
10:08 – Article Database
15:32 – Outro
#android #androidstudio #kotlin #androiddevelopment #mobileappdevelopment
News App in Android Studio using Kotlin | Part 3 – Setup ROOM Database
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