MacintoshSystemes d'exploitation

Macintosh II M5000 – Back to Life after ~25-30 Years

It took a few takes to get a successful boot. The other disks on the table didn’t work for one reason or another. For instance, a 6.0.8 disk wouldn’t work because it wanted to load Daystar extension and there was no Daystar card installed and you can’t disable extensions in 6.0.8 at startup.

I know the date because I know I left LA 8/21/87 and was in Boulder two days later. So it’s not like I directly remember the date I first played with (and I think saw) a Mac II.

This Mac II was purchased for me by an employee named Doug Kanwischer (now working at John Deere according to Google). I used up my university discount (one per year, I think) on some other computer, so he bought it for me. The first Mac II, purchased in fall 1987, was with my university discount. In November, 1987, I bought a Laserwriter Plus. That thing cost me $5700 — in 1987 dollars! And that was the university price. But it was the best investment I ever made. Computer stuff is really cheap these days.

Baby’s Arms comes from Planes, Trains & Automobiles, which was released right before Thanksgiving 1987. (« I want a fucking car RIGHT FUCKING NOW. »)

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Source by My Youtube Account


Fondateur de summarynetworks, passionné des nouvelles technologies et des métiers de Réseautique , Master en réseaux et système de télécommunications. ,j’ai affaire à Pascal, Delphi, Java, MATLAB, php …Connaissance du protocole TCP / IP, des applications Ethernet, des WLAN …Planification, installation et dépannage de problèmes de réseau informatique……Installez, configurez et dépannez les périphériques Cisco IOS. Surveillez les performances du réseau et isolez les défaillances du réseau. VLANs, protocoles de routage (RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF.)…..Manipuler des systèmes embarqués (matériel et logiciel ex: Beaglebone Black)…Linux (Ubuntu, kali, serveur Mandriva Fedora, …). Microsoft (Windows, Windows Server 2003). ……Paquet tracer, GNS3, VMware Workstation, Virtual Box, Filezilla (client / serveur), EasyPhp, serveur Wamp,Le système de gestion WORDPRESS………Installation des caméras de surveillance ( technologie hikvision DVR………..). ,

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