Macintosh Guided Tour (Part 2/7): "Show Me My Electronic Desk!"
This is Part 2 of Original Macintosh Guided Tour from 1984 synchronized with original audio cassette tape featuring music of Windham Hill artists, covering the first completely synchronized guided lesson « Show Me My Electronic Desk! ». The tutorial was on a single 400K floppy disk which guided the user through a series of lessons to use the previously unknown mouse and desktop-metaphor computer-interface which we take for granted today. A separate audio cassette was required to describe the actions of the pre-recorded tutorial animations as computers were not yet capable of multi-media presentations of this type. No attempt has been made to fix original synchronization errors between the audio cassette and on-screen video. It is presented exactly as the user would have experienced it in 1984. Of special note, for those familiar with the traditional Macintosh icons, this pre-release version of the Finder included an early version of both the classic « Macintosh » icon (with a slightly wider floppy disk drive slot for Apple’s originally intended 5.25 « Twiggy » floppy drive), and the folder icons had rounded corners, both never to be seen again.
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