MacintoshSystemes d'exploitation

Mac Pro 2009 to 2010 firmware update

How to upgrade a Mac Pro 2009 4,1 firmware to a Mac Pro 2010 / 5,1.
and a wired Apple keyboard and mouse.

You most likely will have to turn off SIP to install if you are running a system newer than MT Lion.

Norgzki2 posted in the comments:
For all those hitting a brick wall with upgrading to 5.1 whilst running Yosemite with the 5770 error:

Download original 5.1 Firmware from the Apple site:

Now download the 5.1 firmware tool from here:

make sure to just download don’t try to open the folder on dropbox just got to the upper right hand corner and find download next to « share » or alt click on it and « downloadpageas » that should give you the .zip file then unzip once downloaded.
1. double click original firmware from apple and mount DO NOT CONTINUE TO INSTALL PKG
2. double click 5.1 firmware tool and follow instructions to upgrade to 5.1
3. once RAMDISK is created, follow instructions to shut down mac
4. start mac and hold down power button until you hear an audible dong and release power button
5. firmware will now install, wait until mac restarts itself.
6. enjoy 5.1 and download Sierra!

download and use at your own risk and follow the on screen instructions. Run it off your internal system drive with nothing connected to your mac but mouse, keyboard, monitor and have the original mac video card installed that came with your 2009 mac pro.
This installer came from I recommend joining and getting it from the original source instaed of my link above.,852.0.html

You will learn a lot from others who have done the install and have upgraded their macpros in by joining the forums there.
All credits too MacEFIRom for creating this firmware updater.

Important: The update may take a few minutes. Do not unplug, shutdown, restart or disturb your computer while the update is taking place and follow the onscreen instructions.
NOTE FOR THOSE WITH THE 5570 ERROR fix is below.
this is 5570 error fix. UPDATE: Solved by downloading manually firmware EFI 1.5 for from, mounting DMG (not installing PKG inside). Then run firmware upgrade tool and it ok now. thanks to Russell Smith for posting this below.

Also after the firmware update, if you installed new 1333 ram in your mac pro you need to ZAP your PRAM to get the faster ram to show up. To ZAP your PRAM start up your Mac Pro and before you hear the boot chime hold down the « command », « option », « p » and « r » keys all at the same time, continue holding them down until you hear the boot chime a second time, it may take 15-20 seconds then let up on the keys and the Mac will now show you have the 1333 ram installed.

#macpro #firmwareupdate #apple

Views : 84594

Source by Mac Sound Solutions inc.


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