
Ludo Baji – Ludo Tournament App Source Code Free Download। Android Studio Source Code Free Download

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Ludo Baji Application is developed for organizing a ludo tournament in smart and effective ways to manage and earn real money. By using this application you can manage board games tournaments such as ludo, carrom, snake and ladder, chess, pool, and many more. Multiple payment gateways are integrated for an easy payment facility to users. Instant withdrawal in the various wallets, whichever is selected by the user. Fully secure application with multiple revenues modal like refer system, earn through the tournament.
Admin Panel Login Details
Username: admin
Password: 123456
User Android App Details
Download User App from Play store. Our App live on google play for about a year without any restriction.
Username: SamratBD
Password: samrat12345
Payment Getaway Integrated For Add Balance:-
Uddoktapay (Bangladesh)
Bkash (Bangladesh
Nagad (Bangladesh
Manual Add Money From Admin panel
Paytm ( We can Integrated it if you want)
PayUMoney( We can Integrated it if you want)
Paypal ( We can Integrated it if you want)

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Views :76
android studio

Source by Profelar Tech.‏


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