Just when Linux was getting good…Windows 11 happened.
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I’ve been playing around with the beta of Windows 11 for a few months now, and I have some thoughts. Just as the Linux desktop is making serious headway, we’ve got a new shiny OS from Redmond.
What can Windows 11 learn from desktop Linux – and what are the alternatives to Windows 11. Also, what are the main shortfalls still facing Linux on the desktop?
0:00 Windows 11 is coming
2:32 TL:DW
3:33 Desktop impressions
5:32 Settings controls
7:59 Longevity
8:25 Search and launch
10:17 Privacy concerns
12:50 Visual style
16:00 Resources
17:01 Productivity
20:22 Performance
23:09 Software availability
23:34 Winget v apt
25:19 Gaming and conclusions
#windows11 #linux
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