IPv6 Case Studies A Call to Action
In five minutes on Monday morning John Curran, President and CEO of ARIN would like to invite members of the NANOG community to share their experience in an IPv6 case study and join ARIN in our quest to move the needle further toward IPv6 adoption. To date, ARIN has collected over 20 cases studies from a wide range of organizations, including a Tier 1 global provider who reported that in some ways IPv6 is easier than IPv4, another organization explaining why they chose to develop an IPv6-only internal network, tips on how to talk to vendors, and why and how many academic institutions took an early adopter mind-set.
ARIN will have a staff member at its Registration Services Help Desk during NANOG devoted to talking with organizations interested in sharing their story, and they can even get started onsite. We have a series of questions to ask, can record the conversation and provide the organization with a first draft to refine for publication. It’s a relatively low commitment of time to share your experiences, and your insights may help expedite someone else’s journey. By working together, ARIN and NANOG can provide a helpful resource. We are looking for organizations willing to promote their hard work to deploy IPv6 and help the community at the same time.
ARIN’s IPv6 deployment case studies are available at:
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