If you are a network engineer you need to know these Linux basics
If you are a network engineer you need to know these Linux Basics. Each day network engineers are expected to know more programming and more automation so they can be as agile as the dev teams. To start off with programming and automation, knowing Linux is the best place to start. For starters, you need to know the following:
– Create Directories
– Change Directories
– Know the directory you are in
– Changing file permissions
– Stopping/ Starting Daemons
– Network Information
I am Shawn Hill and UnderdogIT is my venue to teach and show that anyone can have a career in IT. You don’t need a degree to do IT! I have been doing this for over 20 years. Read my about me on my website https://underdogit.net/2021/07/16/you-dont-need-a-degree-to-do-it/
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network engineer
Source by UnderDogIT