How To Use Checkbox In Android Studio | Android Kotlin Tutorial #4
How to use checkbox in Android studio is a step by step Android Kotlin tutorial for beginners that teaches how to use checkboxes in android apps and finding the values of the checkboxes that are checked or selected by the user. The tutorial explains the working of checkboxes using two methods, first method is by using the button component and the second method is by applying the OnClicklistener to the checkboxes. In the first method, the result of the checked checkboxes will be displayed on clicking the button component and in the later method, the values of the checked checkboxes will be displayed immediately on clicking any of the checkbox.
In order to display several options, you need to use checkbox in android studio, eventually you need an android kotlin tutorial for beginners that teaches how to create checkbox in android studio and how to make checkbox in android studio. Not only making of checkbox, you also need to know, how to uncheck checkbox in android studio. Android studio provides graphical GUI technique that makes it very easy to how to add checkbox in android studio, you simply drag and drop the checkbox from the respective pallete and how to put checkbox in android studio, along with how to design checkbox in android studio.
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android studio