MacintoshSystemes d'exploitation

How to Upgrade/Replace the Main Drive in a 2012 Apple Mac mini

Upgrade beyond the factory 2.5-inch hard drive and install a hard drive up to 3.0TB, or for the ultimate performance upgrade, swap the main hard drive out with an SSD up to 2.0TB. This install video guides your upgrade step-by-step and makes your Mac mini faster than the factory.

Order SSD Upgrade Kits for Apple Mac mini here:

Video Jump Points
00:00 – Title, notes, difficulty level, and tools required
00:08 – Introduction / Overview
00:26 – Part 1 – Opening the Mac mini and Removing the Original Drive
03:27 – Part 2 – Installing the New Drive and Closing the Mac mini
06:40 – Drive Formatting Notes
06:49 – Closing and Legal

2.5-inch Hard Drive Upgrades
Add the hard drive of your choice

Fusion Drive Note
If you’re upgrading a Fusion Drive equipped Mac you will need to disable the Fusion Drive first, and then, if desired, create a Fusion Drive with the new drive after the upgrade is performed. You can learn how to do that at:

Memory Upgrade
While you are inside your 2012 Mac mini, you can also upgrade the memory up to 16GB.

Views : 174065

Source by Other World


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