
How to setup a TV Antenna (How to get Free TV Forever)

This is a tutorial video on How to install a TV antenna and get it all setup from start to finish. TV antennas allow you to receive over the air tv signals to pick up local channels for FREE!
This is essentially a tutorial on how to get free tv forever.

The amount of tv channels that you get with your antenna is going to differ depending where you live, the most common stations that almost everyone can at the very least pick up is going to be your locals news, but the closer you live to a larger city the better! Because then you will pick up more stations then if you lived in the middle of no where.

I pretty much live in the middle of no where myself here in northeast Pennsylvania, and I was able to get 19 free channels using this simple paper thin tv antenna that I got from amazon that has a 50 mile range.

I hope this tutorial helped you get your antenna setup and If you have any questions about tv antennas please leave it in a comment below.

Antenna Direct Website (Antenna reference map): https://www.antennasdirect.com/transmitter-locator.html

My antenna recommendations:

Amazon Basic Paper Thin Indoor Antenna (25/35/50 Mile Range): http://amzn.to/2umu54f

Clearstream Indoor/Outdoor Antenna (70 Mile Range): http://amzn.to/2tswupr

Coax Coupler / Extension: http://amzn.to/2vplwT0

Extra Coax Cable: http://amzn.to/2umwawN

Digital Converter Box (For old TVs): http://amzn.to/2tsvtxL

Thank you for watching!

-NextTimeTech (David)

Views : 485504

Source by NextTimeTech


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