
how to send notification in Android using Firebase | Runtime permission implementation Part1

In this Android Studio tutorial, We will learn how to send notification messages using Firebase Cloud Messaging in Android.

It is a series of tutorials for sending notification messages with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). After watching this, You can send notification messages from the Firebase console.

You know Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a very useful platform provided by Google that allows you to send push notifications to both Android and iOS devices. In this series tutorial, we will not only learn how to send notification messages on Android but also integrate Firebase with Laravel to send push notifications. How to send notification in Android using the Firebase tutorial will also cover the step-by-step process of setting up a Firebase project.

The « How to send notification in Android using Firebase » Tutorial Series will cover the following parts-

Part 1: How to request runtime notification permission on Android 13 and Above
Part 2: How to send Android Push Notifications with (Firebase Cloud Messaging) FCM
Part 3: How to store/save Push Notifications data into the Firebase database
Part-4: How to retrieve push notification data in recycler view from Firebase
Part-5: How to send notifications dynamically via the Admin app to all users App

Source Code:

#pushnotifications #firebase #androidstudio #sourcecode

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Topics addressed in this tutorial:
How to send Notification message in Android,
send Notification message in Android,
Firebase Cloud Messaging,
how to send notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging on Android,
runtime notification permission implementation,
How to request runtime notification permission on Android 13+,
Android 13 runtime notification permission,
Android 13 runtime notification permission java,
Android 13 notification permission Stackoverflow,
How to Enable Notification Runtime Permission in Android 13,
How to create a simple notification for our app,

Views :24
android studio

Source by SNA Tech


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