LinuxSystemes d'exploitation

How to Make LINUX Look BETTER Than Windows 11 | Fedora 37 KDE Plasma Desktop Customization Tutorial

#manjaro #gnome #linux
#kdeplasma #linux #opensource #fedora37 #ubuntu #gnome #manjaro #archlinux
Tutorial and showcase of the elegant light & dark theme Fluent for
KDE Plasma 26.

● Commands for Kvantum Manager (Fedora):
sudo dnf install kvantum

● Commands for Kvantum Manager (Ubuntu):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:papirus/papirus
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install –install-recommends adapta-kde

● Links to resources used in the video:
→ Wallpaper:
→ Kvantum Theme:
→ Plasma Theme:
→ Aurorae Theme:
→ Color Theme:
→ Icon Theme:

● Despite the tutorial being featured on Fedora 37 Workstation, the KDE Plasma desktop environment is also featured in the following distributions, and this theme may be installed and applied to them as well.
* 1.1 Debian
* 1.2 Fedora KDE
* 1.3 Feren OS
* 1.4 KaOS
* 1.5 KDE Neon
* 1.6 Kubuntu
* 1.7 LliureX
* 1.8 Mageia
* 1.9 Manjaro KDE
* 1.10 Neptune
* 1.11 Netrunner
* 1.12 Nitrux
* 1.13 NixOS
* 1.14 openmamba
* 1.15 OpenMandriva
* 1.16 openSUSE
* 1.17 PCLinuxOS
* 1.18 Rosa
* 1.19 Slackware
* 1.20 Solus
* 1.21 TTOS Linux
* 2.1 Alpine Linux
* 2.2 Arch Linux
* 2.3 FreeBSD
* 2.4 Gentoo
* 2.5 Kanotix
* 2.6 Knoppix
* 2.7 Nutyx
* 2.8 Parrot Security OS

#kdeplasma #linux #opensource #manjarolinux #ubuntu

● KDE is an international team co-operating on development and distribution of Free, Open Source Software for desktop and portable computing. Our community has developed a wide variety of applications for communication, work, education and entertainment. We have a strong focus on finding innovative solutions to old and new problems, creating a vibrant, open atmosphere for experimentation.

「simple by default, powerful when needed」

Views : 990

Source by Primal Penguin


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