Systemes d'exploitationWindows

How To Install & Configure Dart SDK On Windows 10

Dart is a programming language optimized for applications on multiple platforms. It is developed by Google and is used to create mobile, desktop, server, and web applications.
Dart is an object-oriented, class-based, garbage collection language with C1-like syntax. Dart can be compiled in native code or in JavaScript. It supports interfaces, mixins, abstract classes, reified generics, and type inference.
using dart programming
There are four ways to execute Dart code:
Compiled in JavaScript
To function in mainstream web browsers, Dart relies on a source-source compiler in JavaScript. According to the project site, Dart was « designed to be an easy-to-write development tool, well suited to developing modern applications, and capable of making high-performance implementations. » When Dart code is executed in a web browser, the code is precompiled into JavaScript using the dart2js compiler. Compiled in JavaScript, Dart code is compatible with all major browsers without the need for browsers to adopt Dart. By optimizing compiled JavaScript output to avoid costly checks and operations, code written in Dart can, in some cases, run faster than equivalent code written by hand using JavaScript idioms.
The Dart SDK comes with a stand-alone Dart VM, allowing Dart code to run in a CLI environment. As the language tools included in the Dart SDK are mostly written in Dart, the Dart standalone VM is an essential part of the SDK. These tools include the dart2js compiler and a package manager called pub. Dart comes with a comprehensive standard library allowing users to write fully functional system applications, such as custom web servers.
Anticipated compilation
Dart code can be compiled by AOT into machine code –native instruction sets–. Apps built with Flutter, a mobile app SDK built with Dart, are deployed to app stores as Dart code compiled by AOT.
Dart 2.6 with the dart2native compiler to compile into stand-alone and native executable code. Prior to Dart 2.6, this feature was only available on iOS and Android mobile devices through Flutter.
Editor Chrome Dev
In 2015, the Chromium team started working on an open source development environment based on the Chrome app with a reusable library of GUI widgets, codenamed as Spark26, and the project was later renamed Chrome Dev Editor – -Chrome development editor–. It was built in Dart, and contains Spark which is powered by Polymer.
In June 2016, Google transferred the CDE project to GitHub as a free software project and stopped actively investing in CDE. As of April 2019, Chrome Dev Editor is no longer in active development30.
The Dart team created DartPad at the beginning of 2015, in order to make Dart easier to use. This is a fully online editor from which users can experience Dart’s –API– application programming interfaces and run Dart code. It allows syntax highlighting, code analysis, code completion, HTML and CSS documentation and editing.

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windows 10

Source by Très Facile !


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