How to Easily Spoof #android devices with Bluetooth pairing messages using #android |
hi,,,in this video i will explain u how to use an android device with app to send push notifications for android and windows .While there are other apps available that provide similar functionality, the objective of this app is to enhance convenience and user-friendliness in the process.
Google Fast Pair
This app is capable of spoofing BLE advertisers that mimic the usage of the Google Fast Pair Service, leading to an influx of unwanted pop-up notifications on the receiving device.
Microsoft Swift Pair
This app can spoof BLE advertisers that mimic devices supporting the Microsoft Swift Pairing Service. If Swift Pair notifications are enabled on a nearby Windows 10 (or later) device, it will receive a flood of notifications regarding nearby devices.
Since the official Bluetooth Low Energy API provided by Google’s Android SDK allows you to set the TX Power level and include it in the advertiser’s payload, but doesn’t permit direct modification of the byte values actually transmitted in the payload, the range of the Fast Pair functionality is somewhat limited. The receiving devices calculate the transmitter’s proximity based on the actual received signal strength and the transmitted byte in the payload, which contains the TX Power level the transmitter used. However, devices like the Flipper Zero have the capability to modify this byte, significantly extending their range.
You can clone the repository and open it in Android Studio to install the app, or simply use the installable APK files from here
#androidhacks #security #bluetooth
Views :811
android studio