Systemes d'exploitationWindows

How to Disable Windows Automatic Updates on Windows 10 Permanently 2023

#disabledUpdate #TechForhad #windows10tipsandtricks #windows10
How to Disable Windows Automatic Updates on Windows 10 Permanently 2023

Disable automatic updates on windows 10 permanently

In the services window, please find out the Windows Update service and double-click it.
In the popup window, change the Startup type to Disabled. Then change the Service status to Stop.
Click Apply and OK to execute the changes.

Using the Win + R keyboard shortcut, type services. msc to access your PC’s service settings.
Next, scroll down and double-click on Windows Update to access the General settings.
Now, select Disabled from the Startup type dropdown menu.
Once done, click Ok and then restart your PC.

Open Start.
Search for gpedit. …
Navigate to the following path: Computer Configuration Administrative Templates Windows Components Windows Update.
Double-click the « Configure Automatic Updates » policy on the right side.

Views : 73
windows 10

Source by Let’s Learn


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