
GSM Fixed Wireless Phone Terminal YT 199D In Bangladesh

4G SIM GSM fixed wireless phone terminal YT-199D in Tool Box Bangladesh. GSM SIM Device YT-199D. GSM wireless phone terminal can be used for intercom phone, PABX phone, sales and marketing phones etc. Buy this GSM sim supported fixed wireless land phone terminal to use any desk phone or land phone using any GSM SIM card in Bangladesh. Desk phone or land phone can be used by GSM SIM card. This GSM FWT supports GP SIM, Robi SIM, AIRTEL SIM or even Tele talk SIM in this GSM device. Any SIM supported GSM fixed wireless terminal in Bangladesh, model YT-199D. SIM GSM fixed wireless terminal phone in BD. Learn, how to use GSM fixed wireless terminal at home. GSM Fixed Wireless Phone Terminal YT 199D In BD.
How to use SIM card in land phone or desk phone. Any land phone can be used in this fixed wireless terminal using any sim card. GSM SIM device support any SIM card to any fixed land phone. GSM SIM landline wireless terminal FWT now available in Tool Box BD.

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Source by Tool Box BD – Mini Camera Shop


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