Systemes d'exploitationWindows

Enable or Disable Saving of Credentials for Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) in Windows 11/10 [Guide]

Enable or Disable Saving of Credentials for Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) in Windows 11/10 [Guide]

The Remote Desktop Connection (mstsc.exe, RDC, Microsoft Remote Desktop) allows you to connect and control your computer from another device. One small problem is that a user can save their credentials and automatically connect. In this tutorial, we can change the default setting, so the client must enter a password every time they connect.

Issues addressed in this tutorial:
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Remote Desktop Connection in Windows allows you to log on to any remote PC and access all of the programs, files, and network resources as though you were actually sitting in front of the remote computer.

In Windows, Remote Desktop Connection saves your Remote Desktop credentials, by default. This can be a security hazard, especially if you share the computer you are using to log onto the remote computer. This tutorial explains how to disable the setting that allows Windows to save your credentials.

We have previously written about how to properly configure remote desktop on a Windows 7/8/10 computer and how to setup your router so you can remote into a local computer from outside your network.

This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops, and tablets running the Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems (Home, Professional, Enterprise, Education) from all supported hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, Alienware, Razer, MSI, Huawei , Microsoft Surface, and Samsung.

Views : 994
windows 11

Source by MDTechVideos


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