DragonOS Focal Rock Pi X w/ GSM Auto CalypsoBTS (Motorola C139, Samsung S4)
This short video tutorial setup covers the use of Auto CalypsoBTS in DragonOS Focal running on a Rock Pi X (https://wiki.radxa.com/RockpiX).
Auto CalypsoBTS provides an interactive GUI to assist in setting up, running, and managing the CalypsoBTS/Osmo-NITB powered GSM network. More information about the GUI can be found here,
More information on CalypsoBTS itself is located here,
The only SDR used in this video is off camera, which in this case was a BladeRFxA9. It’s sole purpose was to temporarily create an existing GSM BTS using yateBTS, also in DragonOS. This BTS provided a clock source to the Motorola phone that was modified to become a GSM BTS itself. Once the phone had a clock source sync, yateBTS was turned off.
***As with any previous videos discussing any sort of Cellular network setup, follow all local guidelines and take all precautions necessary to contain any and all transmissions.***
The Samsung S4 then connected to the GSM BTS being transmitted by the Motorola phone.
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