DragonOS Focal PublicR1 LimeSDR GSM BTS (GQRX, SDRAngel, SigDigger, srsLTE, Crocodile Hunter)
How to setup a GSM basestation using DragonOS Focal PublicR1 (available once I get it uploaded) and a LimeSDR mini. Everything is preinstalled and configured to test at least SMS message between phones so long as you have SIM cards and have updated the HLR. This is probably the lowest cost SDR that I know of that’ll work with Osmo-BTS.
I go on to randomly cover a variety of other programs preinstalled in DragonOS Focal PublicR1 and quickly show LimeSDR working within each one. I didn’t have time to edit and make multiple videos, so just bare with me as I try to provide as much detail as possible.
Lastly, I cover two versions of srsLTE for the purpose of feedback. The version preinstalled and the version that’s included for the Crocodile Hunter. I believe the LimeSDR will work for both, however, this is the first time I’ve had hands on the LimeSDR. I’ll post updates as I learn more or whenever anyone provides a configuration they’ve found to work and that I can replicate.
This video demonstration is for instructional/training purposes only. If you duplicate this you the user assume full responsibly and liability to clear your radio operation with local and federal agencies and guidelines.
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