MacintoshSystemes d'exploitation

Charles Macintosh Chemist Google Doodle. Charles Macintosh is the inventor of Raincoat | QPT

The Search Engine Google is showing this animated Doodle in many countries for the Charles Macintosh’s 250th Birthday

Charles Macintosh was a Scottish chemist and inventor of waterproof fabrics. The Mackintosh raincoat is named for him.

Macintosh was born in Glasgow, and was first employed as a clerk.

He devoted all his spare time to science, particularly chemistry, and before he was twenty resigned his clerkship to take up the manufacture of chemicals. In this he was highly successful, inventing various new processes. His experiments with one of the by-products of tar, naphtha, led to his invention of waterproof fabric

Read more details about Charles Macintosh at

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Source by Rajamanickam Antonimuthu


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