MacintoshSystemes d'exploitation

Bill Atkinson & Andy Hertzfeld on Apple, Macintosh and General Magic

Bill Atkinson and Andy Hertzfeld share how Steve Jobs persuaded them to join Apple, when it was a young startup. Help create the future was how Jobs described why Atkinson should consider working for Apple.

.Atkinson was doing his PhD in Seattle and Hertzfeld was pursuing his PhD program at Berkeley. And, both of them left their PhD programs to go work for Apple. Atkinson joined Apple in 1978 and Hertzfeld joined in 1979.

Atkinson created the Hypercard, MacDraw, pull-down menu and much, much more. He worked on Lisa and the Macintosh.

Hertzfeld worked on the programming side and came to be known as the « Software Wizard. » He was the second member of the Macintosh team.

In 1990 Atkinson and Hertzfeld co-founded General Magic along with Marc Porot. The goal of their startup was to create a personal communicator, which in hindsight can be described as a prototype of sorts for the ubiquitous mobile phone.

Both Atkinson and Hertzfeld share the original vision for General Magic and why they did not succeed. The story of General Magic is captured in a 2018 documentary called #GeneralMagic, which premiered in Silicon Valley in July 2018.

This interview aired on TV in the US.

#Apple #Hypercard #Macintosh #GeneralMagic

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Source by Kamla Show


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