Ayo Install Garuda Linux "Bird of Prey" KDE Dr4gonized Dual Boot Windows 10
Vlog installing Garuda Linux « Bird of Prey » KDE Dr4gonized Dual Boot along Windows 10 on 64 bit laptop .
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KDE Plasma 6.0.4
Kernel 6.9.2-Zen1
Dual boot bootloader setting: In my video, I installed GRUB bootloader to another USB flashdisc because I didn’t intent to use this distro for permanent (only for this video content). In normal dual boot installation where you intend to use Linux permanently, you should installed the GRUB bootloader into the first master boot record in you harddrive.
By installed it to another flashdisk I saved the hassle to restore Windows boot whenever I erase my Linux system.
Ini distro gaming terkeren guysss…. Heavy loaded bloatware tetapi semua udah dipersiapkan untuk pengalaman ber gaming semaksimal nya.
Hardware Specification:
ASUS Laptop
Intel Core i5-7200 2.5GHz.
Dual boot along with Windows 10 Pro
Date : 30 May 2024.
Desktop Environment : KDE Plasma 6
Rekaman menginstall Garuda Linux « Bird of Prey » KDE Dr4gonized dual boot dengan Windows 10. Ini adalah distro turunan dari Arch Linux yang specific untuk pengguna gamers. Instalasinya mudah dengan installer Calamares yang ada GUI nya. Instalasi cukup lama lebih dari 2 jam termasuk updating, karena ini paket terlengkap Garuda Linux edisi terbaru. Iso nya diburn dengan program Ventoy, sudah bisa instalasi di live boot
00:00 Preparing Bootable Flashdisc ISO with Ventoy
02:00 Preparing Dual Boot Hard disc partition
02:11 Reboot to Ventoy
02:36 Garuda Linux Live
03:00 Install SimpleScreenRecorder in Live
04:00 Begin Installation
04:30 Partition Setup
06:00 Garuda Linux KDE Plasma Wayland
07:20 Auto Update by Garuda
07:30 Switch to KDE X11
07:45 SimpleScreenRecorder
08:00 Dr4gonized Review
08:45 CMatrix
09:20 Full System Update
12:00 About this System Kernel 6.9.2 Zen1
12:30 Pre installed games review
13:00 Dosbox SANGO2 Fighter Testing
13:00 Knight Chess Game
15:30 Microsfot Minecraft Testing
16:10 Fire Dragon Browser Youtube
17:25 Octopi
17:45 Garuda Gamer
18:10 Garuda Assistant
18:40 Discord
19:00 Waydroid Android Emulator
19:25 Garuda Linux Conclusion Audio Bahasa Indonesia ASMR keyboard typing and mouse clicking.
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#GarudaBirdofPrey #garudalinux #KDEDr4gonized #GarudaLinuxKDE
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In the future, I will review Linux installation on low-end machine.
Views : 78