MacintoshSystemes d'exploitation

Apple WWDC 2005 — Intel Transition announcement (full)

The Mac transition to Intel processors was the process of changing the central processing unit (CPU) of Apple Inc.’s line of Mac computers, as well as its server offerings at the time, from PowerPC to Intel x86 processors. The transition was announced at the 2005 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) by then-Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who said Apple would gradually stop using PowerPC microprocessors supplied by Freescale (formerly Motorola) and IBM.

Apple’s initial press release said the transition would begin by June 2006 and finish by the end of 2007, but it actually proceeded much more quickly. The first-generation Intel-based Macintoshes were released in January 2006 with Mac OS X 10.4.4 Tiger, and Steve Jobs announced the last models to switch in August 2006, with the Mac Pro available immediately and the Intel Xserve available by October 2006.

In 2020, Apple announced that it would shift its Mac line to Apple silicon, which are ARM-based processors developed in-house.

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Source by the unofficial AppleKeynotes channel


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