MacintoshSystemes d'exploitation

Apple Macintosh Mac se/30 to Quadra 605 (LC 475) Upgrade

What was used in this build
1. se/30 cases, chassis, power supply, analog-board, 1.44 floppy drive
2. 12″x12″ Acrylic sheet
3. Bare VGA connector
4. 12″ SCSI cable
5. SCSI2SD (this replaces the hard drive)
6. Antec MT-352 Power supply
7. AA084CS01 8.4″ LCD with controller board
8. Macintosh LC 475 logic-board or Quadra 605

What is neat about this build is that you can use any computer you want, as long as it will fit inside the cases:) I used the Quadra 605 board because the case was destroyed, and I happened to have a set of spare se/30 cases.

se/30 to Quadra 605 (LC 475) Upgrade. I was bored with an ordered layover from the Doctor, so I decided to do this. I was tired of chasing untested and very expensive 68040 upgrades for the se/30, and I was also tired of chasing untested and expensive PDS color video cards for the se/30.

So, I transplanted a Quadra 605 (or LC 475) logic board into a se/30 case. The results were spectacular! Yes, this may no longer be an se/30 because of the logic-board change, but I have to ask « If you install an an accelerator, that takes over all functions from the 68030, is it still a Mac se/30?

I can say that back in the day when the se/30 was introduced, we Mac users would have given our left……..arm, for a color se/30!

This 68LC040 Mac is running System 8.1, with a solid state drive at four units at 2gb apiece (ID numbers 0-3, on a SCSI2SD).

It has an extremely fast, rebuilt, auto inject floppy drive!

Yep, I like it!

When I first started this project I was using a Quadra 605 logic-board, and it was a « head scratcher » I could turn the Mac on and get a boot chime, and video approximately one minute later, however, when I tried to reboot, there was nothing?

I put this down to a cold trace that only made contact after the Mac warmed up? But, it was not so, even after cold booting the Mac, i would get a boot tone and video? If the board was left off for five minutes, it would boot with no problems?


Views : 5227

Source by Billy The Kid


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