Should I use Arch? 5 Reasons to use Arch Linux and 3 Reasons not to use Arch Linux [ 2019-2020 ]
I get asked: should I use arch linux? fairly often, so I decided to do a quick video on some of the reasons to us Arch Linux, and a couple reasons not to use Arch Linux. There really is no one-size-fits-all distribution so ultimately it’s only you that can decide if Arch is right for you or not, I’m just trying to help you make a decision of you’re currently wishy-washy on it.
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I’m hoping to help you answer the question should I use arch linux?
Reasons to use Arch Linux:
Reason 1: Vanilla Packages
Reason 2: The AUR and the Arch Build System / Package Availability
Reason 3: Flexibility
Reason 4: Pacman
Reason 5: Rolling Release
Reasons not to use Arch Linux:
Reason 1: Because you like your current distro
Reason 2: Using non-free software
Reason 3: You don’t want to do it yourself
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