Face Mask Detection App Using Android Studio & Teachable Machine(Without any Coding!)2021
Hi Guys! Today I will show you how you can make a fully working machine learning android app using teachable learning and android studio without and coding. If you are a beginner at machine learning then this video is for you you can easily make your first machine learning model using this method. This will be a full tutorial on Face Mask Detection App Using Android Studio & Teachable Machine(Without any Coding!) in 2021.
Recommended Books:
1. Amazon.in Link : https://amzn.to/3tMN5Xf, Amazon.com link: https://amzn.to/3NruKa5
2. Amazon.in Link : https://amzn.to/35jTcZT, Amazon.com link: https://amzn.to/3JR1Kq1
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android studio