GTA San Andreas – Any% MDvMMw/CE speedrun in 2:33:42
MDvMMw/CE stands for « Mission Duplication via Memory Manipulation with Cheat Engine ». We use a software called « GTAOnMissionChanger » instead of Cheat Engine, just because it’s much more convenient and does exactly the same thing.
The main point of this category is to swap the variable « On Mission » value between 1 (on a mission) and 0 (not on a mission). This value is displayed on screen all the time during the run just for information.
When you start a mission (On Mission = 1) and swap this value back to 0, the game allows you to start it again, and by doing that, you complete 2 missions in 1. This is what we call a « dupe ».
Some missions can be started more than twice if possible, skipping even more content.
E.g.: When you start Tagging Up Turf 3 times, after finishing it, the game considers you completed 3 missions from Sweet’s chain instead of only TuT. Therefore, Tagging Up Turf + Cleaning the Hood + Drive Thru are completed.
More information about mission chains here:
However, not every mission can be « duped », some of them crashes the game (Catalina ones) or just causes a « softlock » (e.g: if you skip The Green Sabre, Badlands is never unlocked).
If you wanna learn this category, I highly recommend this tutorial made by English Ben. There are some small optimizations here and there nowadays, but his tutorial stands very much relevant for a beginner to pick up.
Feel free to ask in case of any doubts, I’ll do my best to answer it :3
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gta san andreas