LinuxSystemes d'exploitation

How To Auto-Mount Your HardDrive On Linux

Todays Video We take a look at how to auto mount your hard drive on start under your linux desktop using a GUI Tool,instead of editing the fstab file where sometimes adding the incorrect values might cause your system not to boot .

Disks, or Gnome Disk Utility, is installed by default in many Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, Fedora, both Linux Mint Cinnamon and MATE, Xubuntu, and so on. If it’s not installed, use your Linux distribution’s package manager to install it – search / install gnome-disk-utility.

For each partition you set to mount automatically on startup, Gnome Disks adds an entry in your /etc/fstab file, useful for those who are not very familiar with editing /etc/fstab. That means each partition mounted on startup through Disks is available system-wide, and not just for your user.

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Source by Llewes Tech


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