Android BLE Scanner, Compose Bluetooth Permissions, Koin, and JUnit 5 Tests
Check out the user interface for my Android BLE Scanner app, written in Jetpack Compose. I’ll go over my Koin setup, Bluetooth permissions, composables, ScanResult BLE device parser, and JUnit 5 tests.
0:00 Compose BLE Scanner
2:23 Room, Koin, Accompanist, MockK
3:24 Koin DI Modules
4:53 Koin Application
5:15 Compose Scan Results
6:11 Bluetooth Permissions Observer
8:28 Accompanist Bluetooth Permissions
11:04 Koin ViewModel
11:52 BLE Manager, Adapter
12:25 BLE Scan Result Use Case
16:31 Koin Android Instrumented Tests
17:30 Koin Scopes
18:00 Room Test Database
18:59 JUnit 5 Room Extension
19:40 Android Test Koin Scope
21:07 Bluetooth Device Unit Tests
Views :84
android studio