Christian Adell Querol – The role of the Network Engineer in the DevOps era
This talk will show how important it is to onboard network engineers on the DevOps culture as one of the pillars of the DevOps transformation.
Traditionally, network operations have been seen as close silos where everything moved slowly and with few (or none) visibility from the applications or systems engineering side, and it’s also true that their evolution into the DevOps principles has taken more than on the system administration, but the good news are that in 2022, most of these teams have closed the gap and are now key players on delivering IT services, adding a lot of value with them.
We can’t forget that, in a lot of cases, we sustain our applications on hybrid deployments running on complex network architectures, with multiple layers of abstraction, starting from the “real” IP network, passing over several overlays (does K8S sound familiar?) and, finally, the service mesh. Including network engineering knowledge in this endeavour will help understanding and optimising these architectures, enforcing consistent IP address management and consolidating more metrics to enrich your observability system.
In this session you will understand how to make this transformation possible and identify relevant skills and tooling that a network engineer has to adopt to jump on this boat.
Views : 108
network engineer
Source by DevOps Barcelona Conference