Protect Yourself From The Cyber Grinch – Cybersecurity & The Christmas Holidays
The Christmas holidays may seem like a time of joy and relaxation, but with the increased online purchases come increased cyber threats. It is essential to take measures to protect yourself while doing your shopping online. Start by ensuring your computer and internet-enabled devices are updated with the latest security patches and running anti-virus software and a firewall. Ensure you create secure passwords for any accounts you create, ensuring that you include numbers only recognizable by you to make them more difficult for hackers. Be extra aware of links in emails that appear suspicious; clicking on these links could open up a malicious page or download malware onto your device. Taking such preventative measures ensures that you have a safe and secure experience regarding cyber threats during the festive season.
Check out Veteran’s Voice at
The Veterans Voice Project is an incredible initiative launched in 2018, which aims to ensure that the military-connected community has adequate access to vital resources and support. With the help of USAA as its presenting partner, the program was created by Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center to address all aspects of life, including food security, housing stability, financial security, health and wellness, job readiness, and more. It seeks to provide a platform for veterans to get the help they need regarding physical and mental health, financial services, and consumer protection. The project strives to eradicate the problems faced by our veterans so they can focus on seeking positive improvements in their lives.
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cyber security
Source by Colorado Computer Support