Android Tutorial | How To Connect Android Studio With SQL Server Database | swift learn
This is very easy to connect android studio with MS SQL Server. This tutorial teaches you how to connect android studio with SQL server easily step by step. Just follow these steps and note that you must write the connection string properly.
Follow these steps
1. Create connection with MS SQL Server
2. Add Jar Dependency in your project library
3. Add permission in AndroidManifest xml file
Download jtds1.3.1 jar file
How to download and install android studio Click this link
You must have enabled TCP IP in SQL Server.
This is the connectionString for your references.
Class.forName(« net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver »);
ConnectionURL= « jdbc:jtds:sqlserver:// »+ ip + « : »+ port+ »; »+ « databasename= »+ database+ »;user= »+uname+ »;password= »+pass+ »; »;
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#HowToConnectAndroidStudioWithSQLServerDatabase #ConnectAndroidStudioWithSQL #SwiftLearn
swift learn, connect android studio to sql server, how to connect android studio to sql server 2014, how to connect database in android studio, how to connect local sql server in android, connect android studio with sql server, sql server, android studio,how to connect to sql server database in android studio
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