
#5G #DAS #connectivity What is a 5G Distributed Antenna System?

This video explains the basic architecture of an active, fiber to the edge 5G Distributed Antenna System (DAS).  https://solid.com/us/products/alliance-das/ SOLiD’s 5G Fiber2Antenna DAS provides coverage for all commercial cellular bands below 6 GHz as well as CBRS for private networks. info@solid.com https://www.linkedin.com/company/solid-technologies

It is no secret that mobile connectivity is essential in our personal and professional lives. Entering a building and losing mobile service is no longer acceptable. People have choices about where they shop, where they work, and where they play.

That is why SOLiD is empowering businesses, employees, and customers everywhere to provide reliable in-building cellular service with ALLIANCE 5G DAS.
A DAS is a Distributed Antenna System. Unlike a cell tower where signals are transmitted from antennas in only one location, the DAS sends the radio signals to multiple antennas to extend coverage. Inside buildings, this is particularly valuable because obstacles such as walls, elevators, and equipment block signals.

Here is how fiber to the edge DAS works in a typical building:
Because the people in your building subscribe to different wireless service providers, the DAS accepts multiple radio inputs at a centralized head-end interface usually located in an MDF or other IT room. The DAS head-end combines the signals at low power and converts them to light for distribution over fiber optic cables.
From the head-end, fiber optic cables carry the signals to IDF or smaller IT closets on each building floor.

At the IDF room, the optical signals split for distribution to multiple antenna locations. The DAS remotes receive low voltage electrical power via copper conductors pulled with the fiber optic cables. The DAS remote converts fiber optic signals back into radio frequencies and then amplifies the signals. The DAS remote may have integrated antennas or external antenna ports.

The SOLiD ALLIANCE edgeROU with integrated antennas features a low-profile, great aesthetics, easy installation, and includes four cellular frequency bands. Using the same fiber-optic infrastructure, add-on edgeROUs double the system capacity to eight frequency bands providing an upgrade path that protects your investment.

Always on, everywhere connectivity is the standard. SOLiD DAS provides dedicated edge connectivity for your business, its employees, and your customers. SOLiD’s edgeROU DAS installs as simply as Wi-Fi but provides the mobility, convenience, and security of cellular communications.
Make the switch to a Distributed Antenna System! Edge Connectivity, SOLiD Coverage. Improving the Tenant, Guest, Student, Patient, and Caregiver experience!

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Source by SOLiD


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