10 Linux Distros That Still Support 32 Bit Architecture
Looking for a reliable Linux distribution for your 32-bit system?
In case you haven’t heard, many Linux distros have been dropping support for devices with 32-bit architectures. Here is some Linux Distribution That still supports 32-bit Architecture.
Links for the Distors :-
1. Debian: https://www.debian.org/distrib/
2. AntiX Linux: https://antixlinux.com/download/
3. OpenSUSE: https://www.opensuse.org/
4. Zorin Lite: https://zorin.com/os/download/15/lite/
5. Linux Mint Debian: https://linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=279
6. Bodhi Linux: https://www.bodhilinux.com/download/
7. Puppy Linux: https://puppylinux.com/download.html
8. Peppermint: https://peppermintos.com/guide/downloading/
9. Sparky Linux: https://sparkylinux.org/download/
10. CrunchBang++: https://crunchbangplusplus.org/#download
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