I completed the Google Cybersecurity Certificate in Just 5 days…
I started the Google / Coursera Cybersecurity Certificate program on May 31st, and finished it on June 4th. Yes, it took me only 5 days.
I did have some unfair advantages, but I have plenty of time, and I’ve never worked in cybersecurity. I did work in software engineering and IT.
Yes, I am aware of some people « review » the cert without taking the eight courses involved. I finished all 8 courses in this cert, and yes, I have the Coursera professional certificate, verifiable and all that. I’m sure you can find my LinkedIn Profile. It’s linked in there.
Episode one in a series. Subscribe and like if you want to see more updates. In later episodes, I discuss how I did it so fast, and in the third episode, I did the ISC2 « Certified in Cybersecurity » as well as took the exam in less than a week.
Also at blogpost here: https://kaseyontech.blogspot.com/2023/06/i-finished-google-cybersecurity.html
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Views : 62764
cyber security
Source by Captain Chang Talks Tech