Electrum on Puppy Linux – Offline Bitcoin Wallet on USB
It took me 3 days to find solution that works.
NEW VERSION for Electrum 3.0.6 is here: https://youtu.be/Br9bF-Oxvhk
1. Puppy Linux ISO has only 220 MB. Download ubuntu-compatible ISO from http://puppylinux.com
2. Rufus – download portable version from https://rufus.akeo.ie
3. Create bootable USB using Rufus, selecting ISO of Puppy Linux
3. Boot from USB to Puppy Linux
4. Create Save File – if not, all system changes and user file changes will be forgotten on reboot
5. Puppy Package Manager – Update database
6. Install packages for Electrum2:
• python-qt4
• python-pip
• python-sip
7. Install electrum using pip2 command
8. Protect yourself: turn on firewall
9. Make USB offline: disable all network adapters
10. Start Electrum and create your first offline wallet
—————-UPDATE for Electrum3.0.1, packages:
• python3-pip
• python3-setuptools
• python3-pyqt5
• python3-sip
But « Segmentation fault » occurs when I try to start Electrum3, like described here: https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/issues/3239
———————–END of update————
To receive BTC, your stick can be unplugged and safely stored, you do not need it.
To send BTC (should be rare), here is a nice tutorial on signing « send » transactions in « offline » wallet (holds private keys securely isolated from internet) and sending signed transaction request to internet using online but « watch-only » wallet, as very secure method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQumISxkJsQ
I hope this will help you not to spend days discovering what works, as it took me. Happy bitcoining!
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