GTA San Andreas humiliates Cyberpunk 2077
GTA San Andreas vs. Cyberpunk 2077 complete gameplay, physics & AI comparison!
We’ve compared Cyberpunk 2077 to GTA 5, GTA 4 & RDR 2, but how does it stack up against a 2004 game? (San Andreas).
This video (GTA San Andreas humiliates Cyberpunk 2077) showcases Gameplay, NPC A.I., Physics & World/Map details & more comparisons between the two games, with some bugs/glitches & funny moments in between. Ultimately, it demonstrates why San Andreas is better than Cyberpunk 2077!
↓ Chapters ↓
00:00 – Jumping off a Moving Bike
00:38 – Bullets vs. Tires
01:31 – Underwater Fauna
02:35 – Clothes vs. Wind
02:47 – Blocking a road
04:07 – Walking on Blood
04:47 – Melee vs. Drivers
05:59 – Bullets vs. Water
06:24 – Knife vs. NPCs
07:36 – Bile Crash vs. Incoming Traffic
08:10 – Grenade vs. Main Character
09:04 – Fire Propagation
10:18 – Jumping off a Moving Car
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