5 Reasons that you may not want to upgrade to Linux Mint 21.1
When can I use Linux Mint 21.1?
– When the border returns for Green on Black Terminals (the other systems have it, Mint 20.3 and prior had it, why not 21?)
– When the application support for my basic apps like hugin return.
– When applications stop appearing in the black space between monitors during opening.
– When application icons appear on the desktop of secondary or primary monitors appear.
As one of the very first Mint users, I’ve been happy with Linux Mint for years. I have well over 1,000 installations of Mint in over four countries to show for it.
The problems with Mint 21.1 forced me to downgrade my entire household. That is a painful exercise of backups to reverting to 20.3.
I hope that 21.1 will fix these issues soon. As a Linux user since the alpha kernels with boot and root disks, I really don’t want to have to find another Linux or BSD flavor for all of my systems in the near future.
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